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This is one of the real "crusher sativas" that almost mimics an indica couch lock with its oppressive head high. We've found this in other diesels as well. The popularity of the standard Sour Diesel has pushed forward the palette for various Diesel varieties.


Sour Diesel x Strawberry Diesel x NYC Diesel,


Soily and slightly sweet in the jar, it breaks up to produce a fresh menthol-tinged soil scent when handled. It reminded one reviewer of freshly torn mint leaves… The pungency was pretty average, but it was enough to be noticed without being right near the bud.


Not as tasty as we expected, it was a pretty standard Diesel type taste, with a soil tinge similar to what was presented in the smell. There were no traces of the NYCD or Strawberry Diesel influence with their brand of sweetness, it was mostly just a fuel and soil taste, but not a particularly pungent one. It burned down to a medium-light gray ash, showing that it had an above-average flush job.


Major cerebral soaring rush, facial and occular pressure building for 30 minutes or more. The head high stays put but disconnects the legs, so while a crushing sativa experience is had there is no real movement unless it is necessary.


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