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Romulan is thought to be an Afghani-dominant strain, known for its peppery aroma and strong, narcotic effect.  UBC Chemo was supposedly developed by the Canadian government for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.  The combination of the two strains produces a very potent hybrid with great medicinal value.



Romulan came to British Columbia by way of Romulan Joe, a biker from California who was a key member of the "Trinity" grow scene in the 1970's.  He passed the clone on to Federation Seeds, who grew it out on Vancouver Island, eventually crossing it with White Rhino and back-crossing those plants to the original clone over many generations to produce seed stock.  Chemo was thought to be developed by the Canadian government as an aid for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.


Piney and hashy


Much like the smell, it's a musky blend of pine and more earthy elements


Highly sedative and narcotic, this strain is very potent, with both strong mental and physical effects.  The mental effects are mostly present early on, bringing on an internal energy and a cloudy mindstate.  Once that passes, it turns into a near-complete couchlock experience, with a very warm body, loose muscles, and heavy, red eyes.  This strain is very medicinal for patients who need a sleep aid, muscle relaxant, appetite stimulant, and minor pain relief.

Grow Medium

Romulan x Chemo is a short, branchy plant with woody stems that takes on a bonsai-like appearance.  Not suitable for SOG applications, it grows best as a bush and produces a medium yield of round, golfball-like nugs.


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