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This strain had elements of both parent strains evident in nearly all of its qualities, expressing the crisp, citrusy, cool elements of Jack Herer, and the kick of sweetness from Skunk. There were some flaws, but the harvest timing and trichome preservation made up for the hermie-induced tiny seeds that were spotted. This one was a great after-work unwinder type of med, that won't completely knock you to the couch, but trended towards sedentary activities and a singular focus. Its potency was medium-high to start, but declined sharply at about 2 - 2.5 hours, placing it in the intermediate patient area.


Jack Herer x Skunk #1


Spearhead-shaped dingley green sepals, arranged in open cluster calyxes, with bursts of mocha colored pistils, and average coverage with short hooked trichomes with large heads


The aroma mixed the best parts of both parent strains, with a citrus-kissed freshness coming from the Jack Herer and a heavy dose of sweetness from the Skunk. It reminded us of orange candy, and even a hint of gasoline-like sharp sweetness… its pungency wasn't amazing, but it was definitely a strong aroma that gained pungency after being broken apart.


Much like the post-grind smell, the flavor was fresh, sweet, and sugary with some citrusy elements. The smoke also seemed to perfume the room, making it smell spicy and pleasant. A very smooth smoke, this one was easy on the throat and did not cause coughing with out staff, even those who have asthma. The final ash was a medium-light gray, showing the flush was sufficient.


Coming on quickly, after only a few hits, this one made us feel slightly light-headed (not in a bad way… more 'floaty') but immediately calmed the nerves after a long day and placing us in a placid, peaceful mindset. Despite the inner calm, it did make our hearts race a bit to start, but that effect dissipated relatively quickly, at around 30-45 minutes, when the effects reached their peak. Though we felt a little spacey and couch-oriented randomly throughout the experience, it was calming enough to focus on one thing at a time, without being overtly sedative. We felt this one fell at near 50/50 Sativa/Indica in terms of effects… the second half was definitely on the relaxing side, but it never made us want to go to sleep.


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