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Updated on Thursday January 6, 2022

The territorial cannabis legislation that governs Nunavut comprises of the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Statutes Amendment Act. Both pieces of legislation aim to provide framework for a safe and responsible cannabis industry.

Age Limit

The legal minimum age for purchasing, possessing, consuming and cultivating cannabis in Nunavut is 19 years old. This is consistent with the territory’s legal minimum age for alcohol and tobacco.


Adults of legal age are allowed to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis or its equivalent in cannabis oil. Additionally, adults may possess up to 30 seeds and cultivate up to 4 plants per household.


During the primary year of legalization, Nunavut has elected to conduct all sales through online transactions regulated by the Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Commission. The Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Commission recently inked a contract with Canopy Growth to allow online cannabis sales to Nunavummiut via


It is legal to consume cannabis within a private residence as well as any public place that tobacco smoking and vaping is already permitted. Consumption of cannabis is illegal in vehicles, schools and hospitals.

At this time, no cannabis consumption establishments are allowed. However, the Government of Nunavut has stated that they might consider allowing such establishments in the future when there is more time to consider proper regulations.

Medical Cannabis

The legalization of recreational cannabis has no impact on the current medical cannabis program of Nunavut. For more information on medical cannabis in Canada, please visit Health Canada.

Transporting Cannabis

It is legal to transport cannabis within Nunavut, however the cannabis must be store in a closed container, out of reach of both passenger and driver.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving impaired is illegal within Nunavut. Similar to driving drunk, driving under the influence of cannabis can result in steep fines and should be avoided at all costs.


Adults of age are legally allowed to cultivate up to 4 cannabis plants per household in Nunavut. The seeds used to cultivate cannabis at home must be purchased legally from licensed retailers.