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Revised August 25th, 2021

General Overview


PotGuide editorial content is published on a daily basis to the website, specifically in the “News & Culture” (AKA Blog), “Learn” , “Strain Profiles" , and Product Reviews” sections of the website. Content published on PotGuide provides readers with up-to-date and accurate educational information pertaining to a wide variety of cannabis-related topics, including but not limited to: Flower, Concentrates, Vaping, Edibles, Topicals, Growing, 420 Culture, Science, and more.

Roles and Responsibilities

PotGuide strives to provide readers with authoritative and informative information pertaining to legal marijuana. All of our content is drafted, reviewed and edited by subject matter experts with years of experience in specified areas of the cannabis industry. To make sure every piece of content published on adheres to the standards set forth in this document, we employ several full-time staff positions and a team of contracted authors.


The Editor of PotGuide is the Content Manager, and is responsible for generating topics, managing contracted writers, and editing copy to be in adherence with PotGuide’s brand voice and style. The Editor also ensures that proper composition and grammar are maintained and that all copy published to upholds ethical standards at all times.

Production Editor

The Production Editor is the Marketing Coordinator, and is responsible for stylizing and updating copy for in the technical aspects of production, including HTML formatting, image/video formatting, and uploading to our backend CMS environment. 

Marketing Coordinator

The Marketing Coordinator, as the position relates to editorial endeavors, is responsible for assisting the Content Manager with the day-to-day implementation of quality content on The Marketing Coordinator is also responsible for drafting copy and implementing PotGuide’s social media content and promoting editorial efforts through the company’s various marketing outlets.

Content Manager

The Content Manage is responsible for creating, editing and/or overseeing all written content created for Types of content include, but are not not limited to: Blog Articles, Strain/Product Reviews, Travel Guides, Cannabis Guides, Educational Content, Legal Information, Landing Pages, Ad Copy, Dispensary Descriptions and much more. The Content Manager also oversees PotGuide’s team of contracted freelance writers and provides them with detailed writing prompts to be completed on a monthly basis.

The Content Manager works closely with the Director of Marketing on content marketing strategies, project scoping, email marketing campaigns and any other tasks that aid in successfully advancing PotGuide’s business goals.

Director of Content and Marketing

The Director of Content & Marketing is responsible for mapping, overseeing and executing PotGuide's various content marketing strategies to increase engagement sitewide, encourage brand recognition, and grow both consumer adoption and overall revenue. In addition to handling content and marketing strategy/implementation, the Director of Content and Marketing manages the Content Manager and Marketing Coordinators, acting as Editor-in-Chief for our writing team.


Contributors to the PotGuide website are contracted employees who receive a monthly allotment of detailed writing prompts from the Content Manager. Abiding by the company style guide, PotGuide contributors are screened and vetted by the Content Manager and Director of Content and Marketing to ensure expertise and authoritativeness in the fields they cover.

Unlike other businesses, PotGuide does not accept third-party article submissions or “guest posting.” Ideas and topics outlined within PotGuide editorial content are created in-house solely by the Content Manager and Director of Marketing. In addition to receiving a detailed writing prompt, contributors also receive keyword information and clear instruction on what KPIs are present as well as the overarching purpose of a piece of content.


While there is no set frequency, PotGuide publishes editorial content every week and makes a concerted effort to notify readers when new content is published. Some notification outlets include social media channels and newsletter blasts.


Editorial submissions made to PotGuide by Contributors are carefully reviewed by the Content Manager and evaluated based on multiple factors. If edits are needed and deemed to be minimal, the Content Manager will draft additional copy as needed and make the necessary adjustments themselves. In the instance a submission does not meet company standards, the Content Manager will send the piece back to the Contributor for reworking, complete with edits and insights on how to properly make the piece compliant. Contributors submit articles on a monthly basis.


PotGuide pays strict attention to maintaining a consistent style and tone throughout all editorial content. Employees on the Content Team are trained thoroughly in all aspects of the company voice. Contributors are trained and managed by the Content Manager and are provided a company style sheet to help with adherence to policy.

Photographs, Illustrations and Media Elements

PotGuide uses a variety of media elements to provide added context to editorial endeavors and extra ways for readers to engage with the content. Photos, videos and graphics are all used within PotGuide editorial content to help our audience immerse themselves in the purpose of the text.

We strive to use original imagery and videos as much as possible but sometimes there are instances where a 3rd party media element may be more suitable for illustrating the overall context of an editorial piece. In these instances, PotGuide ethically sources creative elements through high-reputation photo aggregators, such as Unsplash and Canva. For all elements where creative commons or fair-use licenses have been applied, we provide credit to the original owners even in instances where it is not required. In any instance PotGuide is using a licensed image, video or graphic, proper accreditation is given to the author in compliance with all public copyright laws.

The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for creating in-house media elements and finding compliant 3rd party imagery when applicable. 


The Content Manager is responsible for the overall integrity of content on both pre- and post-publish. This includes proofreading all web copy before it is sent to the Marketing Coordinator for production formatting. While Contributors make every effort to submit copy that needs minimal editing, proofreading is an essential part of the editorial process. In instances where proofreading identifies edits or larger issues, the Content Manager will notify the author and provide insight into why that piece needed improvement.

Content that is submitted to PotGuide may be error-free in tone, voice and composition but still needs editing for digital publication. An added step of the Content Manager’s review process is optimizing the article for publishing online. This includes keyword research/inclusion, internal and external linking, and identifying stylized elements for inclusion by the Production Editor.


PotGuide publishes editorial content based on KPI metrics set forth in our internal content marketing strategy. Typically, we publish 4-5 articles per week and several educational guides per month. However, the frequency can increase as needed to share pertinent information. The Content Manager is responsible for maintaining PotGuide’s content calendar and strategizing with the Director of Content and Marketing to ensure the production schedule meets the needs of company goals.


The Content Team, led by the Director of Content and Marketing, is responsible for researching and implementing various topics of interest on The team holds weekly meetings to brainstorm the most useful information to present readers and, outside of that, other members of the PotGuide team are encouraged to share their expertise in cannabis knowledge to help come up with new and exciting editorial ventures.

PotGuide also publishes news content. In these instances, we research details through ethical journalism practices, making every effort to provide information from relevant and direct sources. In instances where we cannot “break” the story but still deem publishing content on that topic relevant, ethically gathered, authoritative 3rd party resources will be externally linked and credited appropriately.


PotGuide editorial content is distributed solely on Any instance where PotGuide content is being displayed elsewhere, at this time, is a violation of digital copyright law. If you see PotGuide editorial content displayed on other websites, please contact us so that we can attempt to defend our site against plagiarism.


Plagiarism is not tolerated at PotGuide. Any contributor found to have plagiarized a submission, past or present, will be subject to immediate dismissal. To protect the integrity of editorial content on our site, the PotGuide Content Team thoroughly checks every piece of content for plagiarism and copyright violation before publishing.

DMCA Policy

PotGuide follows all applicable laws and regulations set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). For more information regarding copyright/trademarks, infringing material notices, and counter-notices, please review our Terms of Service.

Editorial Integrity

How PotGuide Creates Original Content

PotGuide creates editorial content to inform readers and provide accurate educational information written by experts. We pride ourselves on our content and employ rigorous checks and balances to ensure the content we publish is relevant, useful and informative. Additionally, the PotGuide tone and voice aims to present complicated ideas in an easy-to-digest manner. All content published on is original content created in-house. Any reference to 3rd party sources is clearly outlined and accredited per DMCA guidelines. 


At the root of every piece of editorial content on PotGuide is a thought out purpose. Through careful rhetoric and word choice, PotGuide authors and editors aim to communicate ideas consistently to the largest audience possible. We implement clear, concise verbiage to illustrate even the most complex cannabis terminology and concepts. While each piece of content has an individual purpose to provide specific insight into a topic, our overall goal is to make sure people find value in every content through easily ascertained concepts and well-researched ideas.

Usefulness of Information

PotGuide makes every attempt to provide information and education on topics that are useful to a wide variety of audiences. Because the cannabis industry is relatively new, there are many instances where reputable information is not available elsewhere. In these instances, PotGuide applies industry knowledge and experience to produce useful content in narrower topics and queries. Part of our devotion to ethical, original quality content is filling informational gaps that exist in a new industry. For any topic we cover that we do not have direct expertise, 3rd party sources and experts are consulted to ensure accuracy of information and overall authoritativeness of the piece. 

Content Freshness and Relevance

Content relevancy is a key component of topic generation at PotGuide and a core aspect of our internal proofreading procedure. Topics are graded on their overall relevancy and any topic needing accelerated publication is done so accordingly to maintain freshness.

PotGuide routinely updates content that may have become outdated. Any editorial pieces deemed irrelevant and past the point of update are pruned from the site.


Members of the PotGuide Content Team are chosen based on their expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness as it relates to all things cannabis and the topics PotGuide covers. Additionally, the reputation of all PotGuide Contributors is of paramount importance. The Director of Content and Marketing ensures that all Content Team hires adhere to the moral and ethical standards needed to maintain a positive reputation.

Content Overview

Types of editorial content published on are listed below:

Blog Article

Blog articles are published in the News & Culture section of and educate readers on a wide range of topics, including News, 420 Culture, Travel, Health/Science, Education and Growing.

Some blog articles contain advertisements and are denoted as such in those instances.


The purpose of PotGuide’s blog content is to inform, educate and provide expert input on all things cannabis. Blog article topics are created by the Content Manager and sent to Contributors with thought out prompts and established goals to hit. There are instances that require expertise from PotGuide team members. In these instances, the Content Manager or Director of Content and Marketing will draft blog articles directly.


Topics, prompts and relevant information are sent out to Contributors on a monthly basis. Each Contributor is assigned topics based on their areas of expertise and overall experience with a given aspect of the cannabis industry. For example, content about growing is assigned to a cultivation expert. As with any type of content PotGuide publishes, in the event expert firsthand experience is not available, then credible 3d party sources with be consulted and accredited as necessary.


The length of PotGuide blog articles can vary, however, most are between 500 and 1500 words. There is no required length for any given piece as long as the content conveys the article's purpose and message in a clear, reputable fashion.

Educational Guide

Educational guides, or long-form articles, are published in the Learn section of and provide comprehensive, detailed information on the cannabis industry’s most searched queries. Educational guides help people learn everything they need to know about a given topic or idea, while providing expert input, analysis and reference when applicable.

There is a fair degree of misinformation spread about cannabis due to the nature of the industry and its foundational roots. In adherence with the company mission statement and core values, PotGuide seeks to break down negative stereotypes, misconceptions and false information surrounding the marijuana plant.

Some educational guides contain advertisements and are denoted as such in those instances.


The purpose of educational guides is to inform readers about detailed aspects of the cannabis industry. Where blog articles cover a topic thoroughly enough to understand the key points, educational guides go a step further to cover in-depth minutia and detailed accounts of the entire process.


Educational guides are completed solely by members of the PotGuide Content Team, typically the Content Manager and Director of Content and Marketing. In some instances where PotGuide partners with industry experts to convey a given topic, 3rd party authors provide knowledge and insight to be drafted into copy by the Content Team.

Before construction, every educational guide prepared for undergoes a thorough analysis that provides a framework for drafting main content. Before proceeding, every pertinent stakeholder involved, always including the Content Manager and Director of Content and Marketing, reviews the framework and provides feedback 


Educational guides are the longest form of editorial content on, ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 words in length. Like blog articles, there is no set word or page count for this type of content. Rather, authors strive to include as much relevant information as possible while maintaining quality style, tone, voice and educational accuracy.

Product Review

Product reviews are published in the Strains/Reviews section of under “Product Reviews” and provide objective, unbiased analysis, criticism and feedback of popular marijuana products and accessories.

Some product reviews contain advertisements and are denoted as such in those instances.


The purpose of a product review is to provide expert insight and an objective stance on various marijuana products and/or accessories. Product reviews can cover a wide range of categories, including but not limited to: Flower, Edibles, Extracts, Topicals and Smoking Accessories.


To facilitate a product review, three or more PotGuide product reviewers are needed. Having multiple reviewers not only provides several opinions but also maintains the objectivity of the review.

Products and accessories are evaluated based on a number of factors, all representative of the overall quality of the product. PotGuide does not accept payment for enhanced ratings. When a business is curious about product reviews, we make every effort to inform them of the objective nature of how we conduct reviews before any agreement is made.

For every review category, careful notes and consideration are taken to ensure a well-rounded review that covers both positive and negative aspects of a product.


There is no set length or word count for product reviews, however most fall into the 750-1,500 word range. For every product review, detailed commentary is provided for every applicable review aspect. As long as every review aspect is met a product review will be published, regardless of length.

Strain Profile

Strain Profiles are published in the Strains/Reviews section of under “Strain Profiles” and offer an overview of strain qualities for a given cultivar. Strain reviews are also conducted in an unbiased, objective manner.


The purpose of a strain profile is to provide readers with accurate information relating to a cultivar’s lineage/parentage, type (indica, sativa, hybrid), origin, flowering time, flavor, aroma, effects, and other important qualities.

Strain profiles are intended to educate, inform, and entertain cannabis consumers of all interest levels.


To properly create a strain profile for, a strain review must be conducted by at least three PotGuide product reviewers. Strains reviews can only be completed if every reviewer is sober before the review starts. Starting with a clear mind, reviewers carefully consume the strain in question through several consumption methods (typically joints, bowls, and a vaporizer), being sure to take notes throughout the entire process. Every aspect of the strain is considered for review, including appearance, effect and flavor (inhale and exhale).

Once a proper review is conducted, additional strain information like lineage, origin and flowering times are gathered. Typically, this information is taken directly from the grower who created that strain. Because there is discrepancy on who created the original strain, PotGuide tries to reach out to every cultivator associated with the name to come to an educated consensus of origin.


There is no set length or word count for strain profiles. As long as commentary is provided on all strain attributes, a profile is deemed complete and in fulfillment of its purpose.


Web Content

All editorial content published on adheres to the PotGuide Terms of Service (TOS). Please read over the TOS guidelines for more information pertaining to web content on


Advertisement Policy

PotGuide accepts advertising in editorial content and offers branded media opportunities. For detailed information regarding advertising and sponsorships on PotGuide, including how to identify which pages contain advertisements, please reference our Advertising Policy.