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Updated on Friday April 29, 2022

Reviewed By Stephanie Bagnall, J.D. on April 7, 2022

In June of 2018, Oklahoma voted to approve State Question 788 and legalize medical cannabis across the state of Oklahoma. Patients with a state-issued medical marijuana license are now legally able to possess, purchase, cultivate and consume marijuana products.

The state moved to make additions to the cannabis law in March of 2019 when Governor Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 2612 into law. HB 2612 brought changes to State Question 788 in areas like testing, packaging, labeling, physician requirements, business requirements, and employee protections for medical patients. Oklahoma’s medical cannabis industry is evolving rapidly. Check back for updates to Oklahoma’s medical cannabis laws.


Medical cannabis patients who are legally registered with the state and in possession of a state-issued license are allowed to have:

  • Up to three (3) ounces of marijuana on their person; Up to eight ounces of marijuana at their residence

  • Six (6) mature marijuana plants and six (6) seedlings

  • One (1) ounce of marijuana concentrates

  • Seventy-two (72) ounces of edible marijuana products

*Counties and cities are legally allowed to enact additional medical marijuana guidelines that enable licensed medical marijuana patients and caregivers to exceed the state limits.

It’s important to note that the limits stated above are only valid when a patient is in possession of their medical marijuana license. Governor Stitt passed Senate Bill 1030  in 2019, which, among other initiatives, gave clarification to law enforcement on what to do when a patient is on possession of cannabis products but not their state-issued medical marijuana card.

People who are caught with up to one and a half (1 ½) ounces of cannabis and can state a medical condition but are not in possession of a medical marijuana license, will be subject to a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $400.


Patients with valid, state-issued medical marijuana licenses are legally allowed to cultivate up to six (6) mature cannabis plants and up to six (6) seedlings. All cannabis plants must be grown within a patient’s primary residence. Licensed patients may also designate a caregiver to grow their cannabis plants for them.Learn to Grow

Qualifying Patients

Oklahoma’s medical cannabis laws are unique because they don’t specify a list of qualifying conditions. Since there are no qualifying conditions for medical cannabis in Oklahoma, the state has declared that all medical marijuana recommendations shall be given out “according to the accepted standards a reasonable and prudent physician would follow when recommending or approving any medication.” All medical marijuana license applications are required to be signed by an Oklahoma physician.

Oklahoma law states that all applicants for a medical marijuana license must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. However, special exception will be granted to applicants under the age of eighteen (18) who have approval and signatures from two state-licensed physicians, as well as their parent or legal guardian. Get Your Card

Medical Marijuana License Information

Once approved by the state, medical marijuana licenses are valid for two years. Licenses must be renewed every year if patients wish to remain in legal compliance with the law. The medical marijuana license application fee costs $100 but a special rate of $20 is accepted for people on Medicaid, Medicare, or SoonerCare.

Purchasing Limits

State-license patients and designated caregivers are legally allowed to purchase medical cannabis products from any state-licensed medical cannabis dispensary in the state. Purchasing limits are set at 3 ounces of flower or one 1 ounce of marijuana concentrate, seventy-two ounces of edibles, six mature plants,
and/or six seedling plants. Where to Buy


Only state-licensed patients or temporary patients are allowed to consume medical cannabis products. According to the state, smoking or vaping medical marijuana falls under "the same restrictions for tobacco under Section 1-1521 et. seq. of Title 63 of Oklahoma statutes, commonly referred to as the "Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act."

Medical Marijuana Reciprocity

Under Oklahoma medical cannabis law, temporary license applications are available for any medical marijuana license holder from other states that have a regulated medical marijuana program. Out-of-state patients will need to provide identification and their medical marijuana license from their state of residence if they wish to apply. Temporary medical marijuana licenses are valid for thirty (30) days in Oklahoma and cost $100. Out-of-state patients may renew their temporary medical marijuana license as many times as they’d like with the submission of a new application.

Caregiver Information

Caregiver licenses are legal in Oklahoma and are available for qualified caregivers of medical marijuana patients who are homebound. A caregiver license grants the caregiver the same rights as a medical marijuana patient, including the ability to possess, purchase and cultivate marijuana. However, caregiver licenses do not grant the right to consume marijuana or marijuana products. Caregivers may only consume medical cannabis products if they also have a medical marijuana license themselves.

To apply for a caregiver license, applicants must:

  • Submit proof of a patient’s medical marijuana license and their homebound status
  • Submit proof that the caregiver is the designee of the medical marijuana license holder
  • Submit proof of age (eighteen (18) years or older)
  • Submit proof of Oklahoma residency

If an applicant meets all the above-mentioned criteria, the OSDH will award the individual with an official caregiver license.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of medical cannabis is strictly illegal in Oklahoma and is treated similarly to an alcohol DUI. A good rule of thumb is to always be smart, safe and responsible when consuming cannabis. Don’t smoke and drive first and foremost, and always give yourself enough time to become sober before operating a vehicle after consuming cannabis.

Transporting Marijuana

State-licensed medical marijuana patients are legally allowed to transport cannabis within their vehicles so long as it is kept closed and out of reach of the driver. It is strictly illegal to consume cannabis while driving or to have an open container of medical marijuana products. When transporting medical marijuana, a patient must have their medical marijuana license on their person.

Exporting Marijuana

It is illegal to export medical marijuana outside of the state of Oklahoma or to cross state lines when traveling with medical cannabis.


Cannabis delivery is not permitted in Oklahoma.

*Legal Disclaimer: This article is not meant to serve as legal advice and is for informational purposes only. Laws and regulations are always changing. Therefore, if you have any legal questions regarding Oklahoma medical marijuana laws you must consult with a licensed Oklahoma attorney.

Expert Reviewer

Stephanie Bagnall, J.D. Stephanie Bagnall, J.D.

Stephanie Bagnall is a legal research and writing expert who supports nonprofits, law firms and other organizations in a wide variety of industries all over the country. She is also a passionate advocate for civil rights and people with disabilities.

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