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This sample was not overtly potent and felt smoothly enjoyable the entire time, only trending a little towards the drowsy towards the end, which normally works out well for a middle-evening medicating session. Mental Floss has a very unique bag appeal, with its strikingly colorful appearance and floral incense-meets-berry smell having us very excited to try it. The tiny seeds we found in areas were certainly disappointing, but didn't really seem to affect the smoking experience much, nor the look. The effects were perfect for an after-work uplift leading into early bedtime. We'd recommend this med to patients of any experience level, though it isn't quite top-level in terms of overall potency and duration. The unique aural effects this one had might make it particularly interesting to musicians or avid music listeners.


(Unknown x Blueberry) x Jack


Bred by Chimera Seeds to be a large yielding strain with a pleasant aroma


Spearhead-shaped sepals in a range of greens from chalet green to dull avocado with eggplant accents, arranged in tight stacked calyxes, with bursts of moccaccino pistils, and above average coverage short thin-stemmed hooked trichomes with average heads


The aroma that this strain expressed was a blend of floral, sweet, and berry smells that mixed into a harmonious whole that we all enjoyed greatly. Once ground, it released a stronger incense-like aroma that seemed to be a magnification of the previous floral elements. Though it was nicely pungent right after being ground up and even in the jar, it dissipated quickly from there. Not an amazingly pungent smell, but it combined smells from the spicy/floral/incense area with the more standard sweet berry in a unique way.


The taste was a less distinct and pronounced version of the smell, with the same blend of floral and berry elements, but with a mentholated quality that almost seemed to make it less pungent. However, what flavor was there seemed to last for some time in the session, even as gray ash was beginning to form.


Coming on fairly quickly (within 5 minutes), the early effects of this strain felt heavily Sativa for sure, giving us a package of head effects including light pressure which felt like a buzzing "finger" poking into the forehead, and a general uplift in mental energy. Along with this came a definite uptick in heart rate and a light-feeling body that felt freed from many of the muscle aches and light pains of the day. Feeling capable and energetic, we found ourselves organizing things or simply enjoying the seemingly heightened sense of hearing, which had us picking up all manner of tiny sounds and processing them all at once. After the initial hour or so, the effects began to become much more relaxing, though the direct muscle relaxing quality that was present at first decreased in strength — the eyes felt dry and tired, increasing the tired feeling. We felt slightly lethargic at times, and overall, we found the comedown and later effects to be a little drowsy and typical of a Sativa "crash".


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