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I dig it. Best kind med for a long day, energy driven with no decline accompanied with a good attitude. One to be noted.


Landrace Indica


Offered by Neville Schoenmaker's seedbank in the late 1980s, the lore surrounding the strain maintains that it was stolen from the US government's cannabis growing project at Ole Miss (The University of Mississippi) during the 1970s.


Dense closed cluster calyxes with bright orange pistils covered in long trichomes reminiscent of Old World hash plants


Chemical pine with a sour apple sweetness


Similar to the aroma, but less nuanced - dark/bitter/astringent with notes of light sweetness


Energy off the bat, I was right out of my seat and became active and playful. Enjoyed the company I had and had no problem mingling with new faces. Motivated and relaxed, proved a good choice to stay sharp for a day to get things done.


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