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This Sour D is absolutely dripping with resin.  A few orange hairs and also has some white pistils.  I pulled out the 30x illuminated scope, and the nugs look very pale.  Interestingly, the trichomes look mostly mature regardless of the white hairs.  Very few dark green leaves.


Has a rich aroma of menthol fuel and pine, a bit more skunky than what we’ve reviewed previously.


Mix of menthol and intense cool sour, but with an unusual sweet undertone.  Perhaps a longer cure or flush.


Quick starter, immediately felt in the head. The SourD is a motivational medication but can be slightly racey.  Typically a very clean and euphoric high that leaves motor skills intact.


Good Sour Diesel that has a different appearance when compared to the many other Sour D samples I have tried.  The white hairs were interesting and point to a grower’s early harvest.  In the “appearance” category, the trichomes look very ready.  It still could have been harvested a tad later for our pain needs, but it leaves me feeling motivated and uplifted, and really put me in a great mood.
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