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This was a well-structured sample, with a solid build that held up to handling.  It was a blend of greens, with some darker leaf surfaces, but was mostly a healthy strong green color with dark orange-red pistils.  The trichome coverage was certainly above-average, but it was not one that looked incredibly frosty in the hand.  The main gripe we had with this one was the number of non-frosty guard leaves left on… a tighter trim would’ve probably helped the smoke.  The harvest timing was very solid, with developing ambers visible in many spots.


One of the best pre-grind smell samples we’ve had, it’s ridiculously pungent in the jar, broadcasting its acrid skunky-fuel essence all over the room.  Once ground, the overall stank seemed to calm down slightly, unleashing more measured Kush notes (spice, soil, pine, citrus).  It seemed ChemDawg-dominant overall though, with strong notes of gun oil, glue, and other sharp, chemmy smells.  If we had to guess, we’d say that it’s LA Kush crossed into this one — very sharp qualities to the Kush elements.


One of the best and most lastingly pungent tastes we’ve had in some time, this strain yielded a very strong  chemical citrus attack, with some oddly flowery notes.  The in-mouth taste was soil-heavy, with some citrus elements.  On exhalation, a lingering aftertaste of gun oil and fuel complete this complex and pungent taste package.  The only worry we had was the murky-looking medium gray ash — a joint stopped burning at a few points and the coughing/running nose that ensued after finishing indicated that it really needed a more thorough flush.  Tasted amazing, but definitely has room for improvement in the smoke itself.


(We are NOT doctors – personal opinion ONLY)  Anti-anxiety, mood elevation, appetite stimulation, mental focus,and  mental/physical relaxation.


The smell and taste for this one were absolutely top-notch — a great fusion of the two parent strains.  While there were some minor complaints about the appearance, it was solid overall and was well cared-for post-harvest.  Our main gripe was the flush, as it caused some coughing and sinus discharge after smoking — but the flavor seemed unaffected.  We recommend this one as a daytime pick-me-up sort of med, as it provided good mental focus while making us feel very positive and relaxed.  The initial potency was very strong, so inexperienced patients may want to take it easy at first.

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