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Rock hard nugs that look like a ball of keif.  Covered in yellow looking trichomes and compacted with lime green leaves and light orange hairs.  A perfect state of dryness and an overall appeal of 7.5 for this sample.


Has a thick aroma that is very pungent.  Kind of skunky, and smells like my nutrients – a pleasant mix of sweet and earth/pine.  Makes me kind of dizzy, in a good way.


Very heavy smoke but goes in pretty smooth. Strong hash and earthy taste.  Smokes great, but just above average in this category – 6 out of 10.


Gives me a very euphoric high leaving me feeling very happy and a little trippy at the outset.  The sativa aspect of this hybrid act early and provide focus and clarity, but give way to a very strong narcotic state and makes it hard to function mentally.  Makes my head feel really hot, and makes my shoulders feel real heavy.  The indica is very dominant after about 20 minutes, where it induces couchlock and body becomes lethargic.  Feels like a great blend of head and body buzz.


Strong medication.  The buzz really got me stoned and felt very discombobulated.  The strong head high followed by a strong body high had me planted on the couch.  I wasn’t completely drained of energy, and it gave me a great tranquil ending to the buzz.  After a long day at work grinding against major back pains, I will go to my stash and definitely fire up the AfPak.
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