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This is a top notch strain - great representation of its parents. It hits hard with huge expansion. It was strong but fun and made me want to go walking downtown. The only real negative thing I can say is I was left a little tired at the end of my session (the initial buzz is often the part people are looking for).



Clustered pea green calyxes flecked with purples and violets with average trichome coverage and rust colored pistils protruding. 


Very Grape - some small hints of the classic skunk scent.


Grape & Skunk (tasted more even split than it smelled)


Instant starter that gave me a burst of energy, yet a bit too overwhelming to go out into the world with it at first. Fuzzy headed and a bit dopey, my workload for the day had to suffer a brief delay so could recollect my bearings (a good hour). When the "storm" calmed down a little I found no problem with function and motivation to get things done. Drained when done though.


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