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Top notch treatment-wise here, with a well-timed harvest (25% ambers in areas), a good manicure, and a perfect level of dryness.  The coloring is mostly a muted gray-green with some darker leaves and groves of fiery orange pistils.


Probably the single best feature of this strain, the aroma was a pungent sweet-and-sour berry that was reminiscent of an under-ripe fruit.  The Haze influence is noticeable and this strain has a slightly acrid bite to it that makes you crinkle your nose a bit.


While the taste was a pretty amazing blend of sweet and sour berry that matched the smell almost to a tee, that flavor went downhill somewhat quickly, with only the first two hits containing any kind of flavor.  However, the smoke was still rather smooth on the throat despite its above-average expansion level… and the pure white “skeleton” ash confirms that this had a perfect flush.


(We are NOT doctors – personal opinion ONLY)  General relaxation, mild body pain/tension relief, appetite stimulation, possible ocular relief.


If you’re someone who enjoys a complex berry taste and aroma, this strain is right up your alley. If you want a nicely calming experience but don’t want to be knocked out, this is a good choice.  Basically, it’s a moderately potent all-purpose medication that didn’t really shine in any area but also didn’t lack in any.  As usual with Botanic Labs, the post-grow care was superb, as was the timing of the harvest.  If only it had a little extra punch or duration it would’ve been in the A- to A range for sure.
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