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While not the prettiest sample outwardly, it showed a nice amount of mainly cloudy trichomes (they were a bit beat up, but nice) when viewed up close.  It was a very dense, rather dry sample, with a stereotypical mix of greens and patches of pale orange pistils that seemed to be a bit of a “throwback”.


Slightly sweet, vegetative, and floral, the aroma also had hints of leaves, skunk, and a slight putrid quality after the grind that reminded one reviewer of the UK Cheese branch of the skunk family.


Exceedingly smooth, this one tasted slightly sweet, with an herby quality and a hint of pine.  The smoke was moderately expansive, but didn’t make us cough at all… it burned down to a light gray ash with specks of black, indicating a pretty solid flush.


(We are NOT doctors – personal opinion ONLY)  Energy, anti-depression, anti-anxiety, possible ocular relief, mild body tension/pain relief, relaxation as it went on.


This one took us a bit by surprise, as it didn’t look that amazing or smell great, but it was a very enjoyable and energetic Sativa that also had a nice bit of body relaxation, especially later on.  Almost any patient would benefit from this strain, as it had no negative aspects effects-wise (no jitters, paranoia, sleepiness) and would be a superb daytime medication for those not suffering from serious pain or sleep issues.  If this is indeed a remnant of the classic Skunk lineage, it’s clear to see why it was crossed into basically everything since the late 1970's… it’s just a wonderful and well-rounded experience.

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