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This sample could have been manicured better, lots of leaves and small pieces of smoke able matter near the end of each branch.  2 grams is more  like 1 of smokeable.  (The long leaves still had crystal structure)


Very rich, in the 4oz glass jar it was just like movie theater butter.  On its own it lost much of that scent, but still had a greasy smell.


Earthy in, with a sort of popcorn butter aftertaste.


An indica high that left me kind of spacey and tired while allowing me to remain somewhat functional.  Felt like keeping to myself mostly, not really in the mood for extended conversation, just wanted to relax on my own.


Very peaceful and perfect for being outside enjoying nature.  I was content working on my laptop listening to the highway and children playing outside - I would take this to the beach any day.  If your day isn’t built around relaxing, be sure to start this one more towards bedtime as opposed to mid-day medicating.
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