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Not the prettiest Durban we’ve ever seen, but it’s attractive enough with its ample trich coverage, dense structure, and perfect dryness.  The trichomes were mostly clear-cloudy with just a few ambers, a nicely-timed harvest that was a little on the early side.


As often as we get this strain to review, that signature Durban smell is still pretty wonderful… the sweet blend of floral anise and menthol.  This sample wasn’t particularly pungent but still sent its light sweetness into the air after being ground up.


Just like the smell, the taste was nicely sweet but not quite as amazing as some Durbans can be.  It seemed to go downhill a bit and finished on the harsh side while losing its taste after 2-3 hits.  Still though, it was a nice anise-heavy Durban smoke that expanded readily without making us cough much.  It burned down to a medium gray ash, indicating that it might have needed a more thorough flush.


(We are NOT doctors – personal opinion ONLY)  Energy, motivation, anti-depression, anti-anxiety, creativity, possible ocular relief, appetite stimulation.


We were pleasantly surprised by this average-looking Durban, as it really had a strong body energy component and came on very hard at first without being rushy as some Durbans are wont to do.  It was exactly as advertised in the taste and smell categories, with that unmistakable bouquet of flowery licorice sweetness.  If you are looking for a boost of energy that won’t have your heart racing, this would be perfect… it’s a focused and calm energy/buzzy body combination that almost anyone would benefit from, especially during the day.
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