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Follow your favorites on PotGuide.

You can now follow dispensaries, brands, businesses and event calendars on PotGuide. Simply click the follow button on any of your favorite pages to follow them. When you sign in to your account, you’ll be able to see everything that’s new, all in one convenient place. It’s an easy way to keep track of all the cannabis-related things you love. Never miss out; PotGuide has your back.

Follow dispensary notifications


Be the first to find out about deals! Get notified when your favorite dispensaries have specials and get the best savings. Don’t miss out on limited-time events. Worried they won’t be open? You’ll also get updates on store hours and closures.


You’ll be notified whenever your favorite brands have new products. Keep up with the hottest new releases and offerings.

Brand product notification

Follow button for business profiles


Get updates from social lounges, activities, tours, bud n breakfasts, and so much more. Whether you’re planning a trip or want to know what’s going on around town, follow some cannabis businesses be the first to hear what new adventures await.

Event Calendars

Keep up to date on all the cannabis events in your state. Following a state calendar will give you routine updates on new events being added.

Follow button for state calendars

Follow button for state calendars

Coming Soon: Messaging updates

Receive messages from your follows on immediate news like flash sales, special drops, limited-time offerings and more. Hear about it first, with PotGuide.

How to use the Follow feature:

You’ll find the green follow button on your favorite PotGuide business pages. Simply click the box to add them to your follow feed. To remove a business from your feed, click the “unfollow” button.

Follow Button Unfollow Button

To check your follow updates, log into your PotGuide user profile and click, “my dashboard.”

Account Dashboard Menu

There you’ll see your new updates, and can sort them by category using the tabs at the top.

Follow Notification Tabs

To manage your follows, click the “my follows tab.” There you can see your list of follows all in one place. You can also remove follows from this screen.

My Follows List