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Friday January 13, 2017

By Morgan Smith

420 Culture

There’s been a strong effort in recent years to find the cleanest, most potent cannabis flavor profiles out there. As a result, concentrates, dab rigs and several new techniques have come into the spotlight—techniques that create more flavorful dabs and a more refined experience.

During this quest for flavor, concentrate enthusiasts have discovered an effective technique. Consumers have found that a combination of low-temperature dabbing and a process known as Q-Tip tech not only allows for excellent taste and the ability to enjoy extracts to the fullest potential, but also boosts the longevity of nails or bangers.

Low-Temp Dabbing 101

You may already know that when concentrates are heated, cannabinoids and terpenes are released into vapor, creating a combination of effects, flavors and tastes when consumed. But the temperature is an important factor that needs to be monitored when heating your nail: if you don’t get it just right, you risk combustion of your concentrate and producing ineffective vaporization.

Taking dabs at high temperatures has its pros. With a rig heated up to around 900 to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, this method is generally considered to be more convenient, less messy and produce a more intense high. But it also tends to burn off many cannabinoids and terpenes, resulting in a hit that is less flavorful and often times more harsh on the lungs. 

This is why concentrate connoisseurs have experimented with lower temperatures, which can generate greater flavor and smoother hits. To successfully take a low-temp dab, heat up your nail to about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. That way, you’ll burn off any residue from its previous use. Then, let it cool down a bit to somewhere between 350 and 400 degrees. It’s the most effective temp zone to dish out your hash because at this point, cannabinoids and terpenes will vaporize but impurities or plant materials will not; meaning you're getting the cleanest vapor possible.

At the lower temperature, concentrates will melt, bubble and reduce down to a puddle in the dish of your nail or banger. After a second or two of exposure to the hot surface, be sure to cover the nail with a carb cap to initiate convection and effectively vaporize remaining cannabinoids. (Caps can be titanium, quartz, ceramic or glass and have small holes for air flow.)

If a dab burns away entirely and leaves a black residue on your nail rather than a puddle that means the nail was too hot, so wait a bit longer next time before putting on the hash. Each nail is different and you’ll have to test it out a few times before finding the perfect temperature. The best advice we can give? Experiment. Test out different temperatures, various amounts of concentrate, oil qualities and nail types until you find the right fit.

An example of post-dab residue

Example of post-dab residue

What is Q-Tip Tech?

When dabbing at the lowest possible vaporization temperature, you savor the flavor and potency in the extract. As mentioned above however, a puddle of residue is left behind after dabbing. If left unattended, the puddle can potentially burn onto the nail the next time it is heated. Letting the residue build up on your nail results in depleted flavor and reduced longevity. So how do you take care of your banger and avoid permanent damage? With a few swabs from one of the most common household products out there: A Q-Tip.

Immediately after taking a dab, use a Q-Tip to wipe out the oily liquid from the dish of your nail. Be sure to use both sides so that you wipe away all of the remaining concentrate. The corners and creases of the dish are the most difficult part to clean, so be sure to place extra focus on those areas. Q-tips with pointed ends make the perfect tool and easily fit into tight spots. They can be bought at your local home goods store and are readily available, so there's no excuse to not use them!

Don’t worry about burning the cotton either—if you’re cognizant about vaporizing at a low temperature, you’ll be fine. Using a Q-tip after every dab is highly recommended and saves the consumer money and time in the long run. If implemented correctly, Q-tip tech can add months onto the lifespan of your nail or banger.

There are a few things to note when Q-tipping, however. If the surface is too hot, the remaining wax could leave behind dark buildup. If the Q-tip isn't cleaning the residue, it means you dabbed at a high enough temperature to burn the concentrate on the nail. A Q-tip won't remedy this issue, but don't worry, a blast with the torch provides a quick heat-cleaning and removes the black residue. Additionally, the nail must still be hot when wiping out a puddle of concentrate residue. If the puddle has dried, be sure to slightly torch the nail to reheat the residue. Q-tipping a puddle that has cooled down will result in your Q-tip sticking to the residue and creating a bit of a fuzzy mess in your nail or banger.

Q-Tip tech can do much more than just help with cleaning and maintenance. It’s a simple process that you should perform from day one when purchasing a new nail or banger. That way, you’ll not only extend your equipment’s lifespan, but preserve the flavor as well.

What are your thoughts on low-temp dabbing? Do you find the flavor in concentrates to be appealing?


Morgan Smith Morgan Smith

A born and raised Hoosier and Indiana University alumna, Morgan Smith is a freelance writer and editor based in the Denver area. Morgan has worked with B2B, nonprofit and regional publications, but especially enjoys learning and educating others about the inner-workings of the cannabis industry. Her freelance writing supported her recent six-month solo backpacking trip to South America where she climbed volcanoes, played with llamas and jumped off a bridge.

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