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Thursday September 21, 2017

By Abby Hutmacher


There are so many reasons for a stoner to love autumn: outdoor activities involving bright colors and beautiful scenery abound, social events involving creative wardrobe are the norm, and food! So much food fills our tables (and our bellies) as we reap the bountiful harvest of the summer’s crops (which includes outdoor cannabis grows if you have them)! Yes, fall is certainly a season for celebration, and we want to help you get the most out of it before the winter snow rolls in.

Celebrating the Colors of Autumn

The first thing people generally think of when imaging the fall season is the bright colors of the changing leaves. This happens naturally when the days get shorter and cooler because of reduced chlorophyll production. During the spring and summer months, chlorophyll (which gives plants their green color) is used to transform sunlight into food for the plants but once the amount of light diminishes, chlorophyll production ceases making way for other latent colors to come through. The shorter days are what trigger outdoor cannabis plants into flowering, and make excellent photo ops for weddings or other outdoor activities.

For those who want to celebrate the vibrant autumn colors, an easy go-to activity is a simple walk in the woods. That’s because cannabis heightens the senses which means the bright colors of autumn leaves are so much more alluring after enjoying some cannabis.

Similar to these maple leaves, cannabis plants can also change colors during the fall. photo credit

This is also a great time to collect leaves, sticks, or anything else you can use to create a fall center piece since we all know how creative stoners can be once inspiration hits.

Embracing Shorter Days and Colder Evenings

The summer months are nice when it comes to planning day trips but there’s something about the crisp autumn air and shorter days that has us craving seasonal activities. Local haunted houses and fall carnivals are some of our favorite ways to celebrate the season, especially considering the heightened sensitivity to emotional and environmental stimuli that’s common after consuming cannabis.

If you would rather stay home with a good movie and good company, there are a few stoner flicks that go perfectly with the season of spooks. Some of our favorite stoner movies to watch during autumn include:

  • This is the End: Starring some of your favorite celebrity stoners like Seth Rogan, James Franko and Jonah Hill, This is the End is a movie that will put you in the mood to party – and to survive -- as you watch the gang struggle to survive the apocalypse. It’s intense, funny, and there is a ton of weed in it, too.
  • Zombieland: Ever wonder how you’d fare during a zombie apocalypse? Well, never fear: Zombieland will teach you everything you need to know to make it out alive. Staring Woodie Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, ad Emma Stone, this horror-comedy will prepare you, and have you laughing your ass off while you do.
  • Donny Darko: This one isn’t as much a stoner horror flick (though there are some pretty awesome ones out there) as much as it is just an awesome mind-bender. Follow Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) as he struggles to make sense of his world and all of the strange characters therein.

Collecting (and Using) a Bountiful Harvest

Perhaps the best thing about autumn is the bountiful harvests it provides. Whether you grow your own or purchase it from local farmers, there’s little more rewarding than reaping the fruit of the earth, grateful for the gifts Mother Nature has bestowed upon us. Local pumpkin patches and farmer’s markets will have copious amounts of fresh produce which you can decorate with, eat or prepare and save for a stellar Thanksgiving feast later. Looking to up your high? Stock up on foods that can improve your cannabis experience like nuts, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

You can even make your own fall-themed infused treats!

But it’s not just fruits and veggies that are getting harvested: outdoor weed is quickly ripening and ready for harvest. After the buds have been manicured and stored away to cure, you’ll likely have a ton of left over trim. Don’t throw it away! There are still valuable trichomes on those sugar leaves which, though harsh to smoke, are great for making things edibles and concentrates. Now is a great time to experiment with homemade topicals and other unique recipes so have at it and let us know how it turns out.

Everyone has their favorite time of the year and, for us, it’s autumn. Cooler nights mean bundling up for Netflix and chill nights, bright colors mean lots of outdoor adventures, and harvest time means amazing of food, fun, and friends.

Do you have a favorite autumn activity you think our readers will enjoy? Share it with us below.

Photo Credit: Xavi (license)


Abby Hutmacher Abby Hutmacher

Abby is a writer and founder of Cannabis Content, a marketplace designed to connect cannabis writers and creatives with businesses in the industry. She has been a professional cannabis writer since 2014 and regularly contributes to publications such as PotGuide and M&F Talent. She is also the Content Director at Fortuna Hemp, America’s leading feminized hemp seed bank. Follow Abby on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

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