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Monday December 21, 2015

By Abby Hutmacher

420 Culture

You’ll need more than just a sack of weed if you want to smoke marijuana. At minimum, you’ll need a lighter and something to smoke it out of, too. But what happens when you’re out and about with no papers and no pipe? Just make your own water pipe of course. All you need is an old bottle and a few household items.

How do I make a water pipe in a pinch?

Whether you’re traveling light, smoking on the cheap or just broke your favorite glass piece and need of a quick replacement, a DIY water pipe is a quick and easy solution. Here’s how to make your own.


  • Air-tight container such as a water bottle or a deep plastic container
  • Scissors or a razor blade
  • Adhesive such as chewing gum or electrical tape
  • Old pen with the ends and ink removed
  • Something to use as a bowl. Some ideas include a thimble, a ¼” socket or even a carrot that has been carved into a bowl


  • Begin by cutting a small hole about three or four inches from the base of your air-tight container. Make the hole just big enough to fit the pen snuggly inside, keeping in mind that the device will need to be air-tight in order to work.

  • Next, slide the pen into the hole until it is just a few centimeters from the base of the bottle. Secure the pen in place using your adhesive. Make sure you have a tight seal by blowing into the mouthpiece. If you can stop air flow by plugging your finger over the pen opening, you’re good to go.

  • Attach the bowl to the end of pen, then use your adhesive to seal it in place. Remember to include holes for the smoke to pass through, which you can make using a knife or thumb tack.

  • If your container has a mouthpiece that’s well away from the bowl, proceed to the next step. If there is no pre-established mouthpiece, add another hole near the top of the bottle, far enough to avoid inhaling bong water later. You can add another pen to create the mouthpiece or just take your pull from the hole you just created (if you do decide to add a pen, remember to seal it off).

  • Finally, add enough water to cover the base of the lower pen (this is called a stem). You can also add an additional hole as a corroborator to help clear the chamber of your water pipe, just be sure you can plug it with a finger and that it is far enough away from the water to avoid leaks.

Using your water pipe

After you’ve completed your water pipe, it’s time to grind your weed, pack a bowl and spark it. Take your hit by inhaling through your mouthpiece at the same time that you burn the bowl. The smoke will filter through the water, fill up the bottle, and ultimately find its way into your lungs.

If you’ve added a carburetor, release your finger from the hole a few seconds before your lungs are full to clear the chamber of what could become stale smoke. If there is no carb but you need to clear your chamber anyway, do so by blowing through the bowl rather than the mouthpiece to avoid bong water showers.

A water pipe (or bong or bubbler) is an easy way to filter some carcinogens out of combusted marijuana. Though there are plenty of places where you can buy your own pipe, why not tap into a little stoner-inspired creativity and make your own?

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Photo Credit: Surachit (license)


Abby Hutmacher Abby Hutmacher

Abby is a writer and founder of Cannabis Content, a marketplace designed to connect cannabis writers and creatives with businesses in the industry. She has been a professional cannabis writer since 2014 and regularly contributes to publications such as PotGuide and M&F Talent. She is also the Content Director at Fortuna Hemp, America’s leading feminized hemp seed bank. Follow Abby on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

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