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CBD-rich Hemp Phenotype


There is a very interesting back story about the cut available outside of Realm of Caring. It is not technically the famous Charlotte's Web, also known as R4 when it was selected from the Stanley Brothers breeding project. It is actually R5, a sister seed from the same project with the exact same parents. Almost an identical twin, R5 has a very similar growth pattern and cannabinoid spectrum to R4. Hence, it is still called Charlotte's Web just as there are numerous Chem Dawgs, Skunks and other strains that are ordered numerically.


Charlotte's Web was made famous by Charlotte Figi, a child who experienced a dramatic decrease in the frequency of her seizures after consuming cannabis oil extracted from this strain. Charlotte's Web grows like a pure Afghan, short and stout with non-fibrous stalks. Ironically, it as far from the traditional hemp sativa structure as you could achieve, but the flowers are still CBD rich.


Flowers smell like purple candy Now-and- Laters.


This strain has been demonstrated as a nerve protectant and has been used in the treatment of epilepsy in both children and adults.


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