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Medical marijuana dispensaries in Maryland have been open to qualifying patients since December of 2017. For more information on Maryland medical cannabis laws, click here.


Is marijuana legal in Maryland?

Recreational marijuana is not legal in Maryland. The state approved medicinal marijuana in 2012, with sales beginning in 2017. Additionally, the state decriminalized possession up to 10 grams as well as marijuana paraphernalia.

Where can I buy medical marijuana in Maryland?

Patients can obtain medicinal marijuana from any state-approved dispensary. Where to Buy 

How much medicinal cannabis can I possess in Maryland?

Maryland's Medical Cannabis Law allows patients to possess up to 120 grams at any time within a 30-day period. This can be extended if a physician deems that more is needed to treat the patient. Additionally, the state allows up to 36 grams of cannabis extract per 30 days.

Can non-residents receive medicinal marijuana in Maryland?

Non-residents of Maryland who are not registered as medical marijuana patients with the state are not allowed to purchase medical cannabis. However, non-residents living in the state to receive medical care can obtain medical cannabis with a written certification.

What should I do if the police stop me?

Patients are not required to disclose their status or consent to any searches. If, however, one is conducted and cannabis is found, the patient should comply and present their card or point the officer towards the state's registry database.

How many caregivers can a patient have?

Patients are allowed to designate up to two caregivers. To become a caregiver, the person must be 21 years of age or older and register with the state's Commission Caregiver Registry.

How many patients can a caregiver provide assistance to?

Approved caregivers can assist up to five patients in Maryland.

Can I grow my own medical marijuana in Maryland?

No, home cultivation of any kind is not allowed in Maryland.